I feel really bad for giving my blog such short shrift last week. I was in a very, very bad mood. I'm feeling much better now, though. I'll give some more information on last week's bands later in this post.
On with this week's post:
Cranebuilders "Public Space"
Sigh. I searched and searched teh internet for a non podcasted version of this song and couldn't find one. So I coughed up the $.99 ($.99!!! Why don't they ask for my first born?) for the song from Musicmatch and I confirmed that I was downloading it, but it's nowhere to be found. I'm not keen on spending more money to try to find it through another site, so here be the Indie Feed version of the song. No, that's not me introducing the song. That's a guy. The song's really cool, though, in my opinion.

Cranebuilders album cover
Their Myspace and Website (not ready for primetime)
Camera Obscura, "Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken"
If you watch the video, you will see that the singer is obviously not just heartbroken, but she's mortified by something. The poor girl's face is frozen in eternal let down! Lloyd! Dude! What did you do? Anyways, I like this song so much that I'm going to try to help the singer get over Lloyd (get your mind out of the gutter). I'm going to remind her that there are good Lloyds in this world. There's Lloyd Dobbler. He's the ultimate good guy. He could give me a pen anyday. There's Christopher Lloyd. He's just awesome and funny. Any other good Lloyds? Lloyd Cole's a singer I like a lot.

Here, have the phonograph. No, I insist...
Their Website and Myspace
Copeland, "Don't Slow Down" (WMA file)
I had to (gulp) buy this one too. I gave up on Musicmatch (it's acting weird) and went straight to the origin of my music downloading obsession: Napster. That's why it's in WMA format. The only way I have of making it an MP3 is to burn it to a cd and reupload it as an MP3. Yeah, I'm too tired to do that.
The intensity and drive of this song more than makes up for any lethargy on my part. The vocals are plaintive and the accompanying music is every bit as urging. He really doesn't want the person to leave his side, though he seems to be telling the person he/she goes too fast. First, though, he tells the person not to slow down for him. I bet the person is just scratching his/her head in confusion. Still a cool song, though.

Copeland, Just hanging out, y'know?
Lyrics to "Don't Slow Down" (from Sing365), Their Website, Their Myspace and their Pure Volume Site.
Lost On Purpose, "London"
He seems to be blowing into a huge gourd on his Myspace page. For musical or recreationally hallucinogenic purposes? I don't know. He says his main influence is alcohol, but musically his taste is eerily close to mine. In fact if it weren't for the absolute lack of punctuation and overuse of the word "and" it could be my Myspace! Anyways, this song is a nice gem. It's a song about floating around, trying to find your place. He doesn't stay in one place long; he says in a year he's moved twice. One thing he knows is he's got to write songs to keep from dying. Eerily I feel the same way about alcohol (just kidding).

He's not lost; he's in a hallway. See?
His Website and Myspace
The Real Tuesday Weld "Something Beautiful"
I also originally heard this through Indie Feed. I was fortunate, however, to find the song on their website; thereby providing you with a clean, unadorned copy. It's very hazy, kind of dreampoppish. The vocals are very blurred, but the music is very detailed and ornate, featuring a tamborine and swirly keyboards. I love swirly music. I can't help it.

The Real Tuesday Weld need to meet Dresden Dolls. Or do you think there'd be cosmetic rivalry?
Their Myspace and Website/Blog
Sometime this week I'm going to write & post (in that order) a review for the reissue of Pogues' If I Should Fall From Grace With God. It's a matter of desire and obligation eventually winning the war over lethargy. It will be a mighty challenge. Well, as mighty as someone with lethargy can muster.
As promised, I'm going to include some links for the bands I posted last week. This way they get two mentions in my blog--they actually come out ahead!
Brookhaven (Does the song "Transitive Verses") Myspace, Label Site (no independent site listed)
Catfish Haven (Does the song "Crazy For Leaving") Their Myspace and Their Official Site
Divinyls (Does the song "Pleasure and Pain" and is famous for the song "I Touch Myself", both available on their unofficial Myspace). Their Official Site
Orenda Fink (Does the song "No Evolution") Her Myspace and Official Site
The Sharp Things (Does the song "There Will Be Violins"--what a great song!) Their Myspace and Their Official Site
Sara Culler (Does the song "At Least Like Melissa") Her Myspace and Her Official Site
Gomez (Does the song "Notice") Their Myspace and Their Official Site
Like Honey (Does the song "Airport) Their Myspace and Their Official Site. Coincidence alert: They're from the same town in Sweden as Sara Culler. Weird, huh? (I always have loved Swedish music).
I also mentioned some Myspace bands, but since I posted their Myspace sites, I'm not going to repost them here.
By the by, here's a video for one of my favorite Ween songs, "Freedom of '76". What? You don't know who Ween is? Well, if you like faux Prince songs that are sometimes kinda crass, this is the best band for the job. (The song doesn't start until about two minutes into the video). (Mannequin was filmed at Woolworth, Boys 2 Men keeping the beat)
and remember kids, sometimes a dreamer is a loser.
...I don't know much about Lloyd Dobbs. Is he a good Lloyd? Lloyd's of London is the first insurance company. Is that good? Probably not. Frank Lloyd Wright had some beautiful architecture. According to Wikiepedia, Lloyd is a variation of various Welsh names. I like Wales, so that's more positivity connected with the name Lloyd.
...I am so frakkin' tired now...